A Minor in Philosophy aligns with the Hellenic College mission in that it assists us in our goal of training spiritually and intellectually strong scholars and leaders capable of analytic rigor. By providing students with the space to struggle with perennial topics, students develop intellectual virtues necessary for growth in personal identity and dignity, as humans and as Christians who are called to answer the challenging questions of our time.
Philosophy, as the traditional preparation for the formal study of theology, strengthens the goals of the Religious Studies program by providing students with the philosophical context of the Church Fathers. A minor in Philosophy complements the Literature and History program as it trains students to consider the motivations of authors and of characters, both fictional and historical. The courses in ancient Greek philosophy provide a philosophical context to Classics and Greek Studies. Courses in philosophical anthropology, dealing with questions of metaphysics and the phenomenology of the human person, assist students in the Psychology and Human development program.
Students with a minor in philosophy strengthen their ability to reason, think, write and communicate in a clear and disciplined manner, improve their logical thinking, problem solving, persuasive argumentation, and make informed ethical judgments about difficult courses of action.
These skills form an excellent preparation for future studies and careers in law, social work, teaching, administration, politics, various writing-based professions, business and non-profit management, consulting firms, library science, and others.
“Philosophy as the science of the “love of wisdom” is based on the genuine human desire to discover a meaningful and flourishing life. Doing philosophy originates in our sense of wonder, leading to the examination of our life by widening our intellectual horizons and opening the human mind to not-yet explored dimensions of our existence. The goal of this work is to progress from wonder through examination to the attainment of the knowledge of the Truth.”